All - thanks for your feedback on the Market Profile Webinar. The event generated a lot of questions and we'll address the main ones here.

  • How does this differ from the recent FootPrint Course we attended?
    • We've long had the analogy at Jigsaw that trading is about "cake" and "icing on the cake", where the "cake" is trade location and the "icing" is trade confirmation, via Order Flow analysis. FootPrints (like the DOM to an extent) give you a little of both - Trade Location from local activity and Trade Confirmation with Order Flow. With Market Profile, it is about defining Trade Locations for the day, along with ways to validate that these locations are in play. This is 100% "cake". The icing of confirming trades with Order Flow is still needed, which is why we ensured all buyers get the basic Order Flow education.
  • Is this OK for beginners?
    • This is always an interesting question. We are still frequently meeting people that struggle to trade after 15 years of falling for get rich quick schemes and being very unstructured in their approach. We see this as a really bad experience and also see these traders as beginners in terms of real trading knowledge. So our perspective is, we expect 90% of people to be beginners in real terms. 
    • Also - there is some upside in being new. If you are 2 months into your trading journey, you have less bad habits and inbuilt beliefs. That's an advantage in many ways. 
  • What markets can we use this in?
    • Futures and Equities. At a push, you could try with options but that's not a recommendation. It won't be useful for FX as FX simply has no reliable volume information and so you don't have the information to trade it. 
  • What Times are the Daily Live Sessions?
    • The first session is around  7:30AM GMT/3:30AM EST - and recording is then available. Focus is both US and European Markets.
    • Wednesday Mentoring Sessions are around 12:00PM GMT/8AM EST.
    • Afternoon debriefs are around 4:45PM GMT/12:45PM EST. 
    • Schedule is posted weekly here: https://axiafutures.com/live-streaming/
  • Is this a stand-alone strategy - can I use the MP and nothing else?
    • No - you will need Order Flow to complete the picture (the icing), because you are looking for specific activity in the Order Flow (which is explained) as you approach the prices of interest. That could be DOM, Auction Vista, Recon Tape, FootPrint - basically the Order Flow tools that speak to you best. Note - Order Flow Education is included.
  • Why are Jigsaw selling it?
    • At Jigsaw, we focus on delivering  legitimate products at value for money. In this case, we recently implemented Market Profile Charts in the platform, all customers got that, free of charge. This is a companion course for those interested in getting the most value from that part of the platform. No product is for all and hopefully we've ensured you know enough to decide if it is for you.
  • Why is it $997? Why isn't it cheaper?
    • Pricing products is a bit of a crap-shoot generally. But with products you plan to sell for years, you can use trial and error. Pricing a one-time deal is even harder because there's no room for that. So we under-priced it based on both the actual costs of the individual items AND the additional value they bring when combined. Of course, the moment you start the "discount" conversation - people will always push for more - but that's not possible this time.
  • How much effort is required?
    • When I hear this question in person, I always try to dig a little deeper. My first question back is usually "how much effort have you put in so far?". Often it's 5-10 years. That's a huge effort. So normally, the person asking is not afraid of rolling up their sleeves.
    • Often the real question isn't "can I do it?" - And nobody can guarantee that as we don't know you. Our feeling is that this is somewhat easier to come to grips with than order flow because of the time you have to consider the scenarios and plan things out. Order Flow is much more "right now". So our take is that this isn't the most difficult aspect of trading at all. 
    • There is a learning curve, you will progressively improve (like any skill) and so as long as that is your expectation, you are in a good position. If are till searching profitability and need something that will make you profit by tomorrow - this is not for you.
  • I already have daytradr platform - can I get a discount?
    • There is some confusion about the platform component of the deal. To be clear:
    • New Customers - Get 3 months of daytradr "Pay As You Go" - which includes the Order Flow Foundation Course and Journalytix.
    • Existing Customers - Get 3 months of Live Trade License/Journalytix (and already have the Order Flow Foundation course). You can start that any time you like.
    • The goal is to ensure everyone has the platform, the education AND the trader development tools that will be discussed through the course. 
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